Few occupations outrank the nobility of teaching and all that it requires of teachers of every grade level in every crevice of the world. While many teachers find great personal fulfillment from these responsibilities, they also must face an excess of stressors caused by these responsibilities as well. This ranges from a lack of resources all the way to the demanding working hours. It’s also worth considering that the ‘school’ day truly never ends, in that teachers will continuously be thinking of ways to better engage and educate their students even outside of the facility they instruct in. Understanding how prevalent the stress in this profession can be, it’s essential to improve the efforts surrounding the ways these facilities handle and care for their teachers as they approach burnout. That said, it’s even more important for these teachers to improve the care they provide to themselves when they feel overwhelmed. Curious as to how these teachers can do so? Scan through the resource featured alongside this post.
Check out Teacher Self-Care 101, provided by Curriculum Associates; an organization offering lessons in core math.