It might be easy to assume that a second-grade teacher would have harder days on average than a tenth-grade teacher, but the truth is, every teacher struggles at a relatively similar clip. This is because being a teacher encompasses much more than just the way in which they lead a classroom, but extends also into the unexpected, such as the ways in which they communicate with parents of their students. Often times this can be one of the most challenging elements of being a teacher, whether as one just getting their start or one who’s tenured. Communication with parents is challenging, because every teacher hopes that they can offer constructive value to their student without coming off as too critical to their parent. If this is a worry, it’s best to approach any communication with a parent with a predetermined goal. For example, if discussing some troubling behavior, maybe find a way to weave in discussing the ways in which the student has improved along with any accomplishments and academic strengths they’ve recently displayed. Most importantly, though, teachers must adhere to their school’s policies and procedures when it comes to any and all parent-teacher interactions. Once these rules have been respected, then teachers can prepare for the parent conversations at hand. To learn more about the ways in which teachers can effectively ready themselves for these interactions, be sure to check out the resource coupled alongside this post for additional information.
First-Time Teacher’s Guide For Talking To Parents this infographic was contributed by Silke Lessner, an organization providing classroom management training for teachers